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Beatkamp® is the only record label
dedicated to Tech Noire
since 1989.

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05.08.2024 - Dada Pogrom releases Taste The Whip,
a new video from the upcoming The Black Light Spectrum.

Taste The Whip

24.07.2024 - Dada Pogrom releases Further And Away,
a new video from the upcoming The Black Light Spectrum.

Further And Away

20.07.2024 - Dada Pogrom releases Mäuschen,
a new video from the upcoming The Black Light Spectrum.


11.06.2024 - Dada Pogrom releases four
new videos from the upcoming The Black Light Spectrum
album release on vinyl, cassette and digital.

zum schutz


fortress falling

oboe bassoon and flute

These are the first four out of a total of 17 videos that will complete the
full set of videos for this project.

13.04.2024 - Dada Pogrom is playing at R6013.

Ingólfsstræti 20,
101 Reykjavík

09.03.2024 - Kernkrach presents the Kernkrach Festival
with Kühle Matrosen, Dada Pogrom and Gen Null
at Cantine Bielefeld

Cantine Bielefeld
Bleichstrasse 77a,
33607 Bielefeld

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.+. uncannily wire infinity .+.
saturday, september 14, 2024 10:32:08 utc
©2024 beatkamp incorporated