vt101 calculator

Old News Archive

14.10.2023 - Kernkrach and Leserille present Dada Pogrom
and Iris Paralysis in Sundern-Allendorf,

Halmerseihe 3,
59846 Sundern-Allendorf

27.05.2023 - Dada Pogrom playing Acidfest 2023
in Reykjavík at Gaukurinn Bar

Trygvagata 22,
101 Reykjavík

17.02.2023 - Dada Pogrom playing Guinche Club
at La Rotonde Stalingrad

Fri 17 Feb From 10:00 PM To 6:00 AM
6-8 Pl. de la Bataille de Stalingrad
75019 Paris, France

13.01.2023 - Dada Pogrom playing Húrra
The Cult of One Friday the 13th

17.12.2022 - Dada Pogrom playing Húrra's
Jólatjónleikar Skrattar

Tryggvagata 22, 101 Reykjavík

06.11.2022 - Dada Pogrom playing Bravó's
Sunnudags Klubburinn Extravaganza

Laugavegur 22, 101 Reykjavík

28.05.2022 - Dada Pogrom playing KEX
Kex Hostel
Time/kl 20:00
Skúlagata 28, 101 Reykjavík

22.05.2022 - Dada Pogrom playing ACIDFEST
Liverpool Psychedelic Society & Creation Dream Machine
present: ACIDFEST at The Freezer

The Freezer
Hafnargata 16, Rif, Hellisandur

25.12.2020 - Dada Pogrom releases Kolphonium album as a movie.

23.12.2020 - Dada Pogrom releases The Synth Wreck of Vasa album as a movie.

20.11.2020 - Dada Pogrom releases Dismantle music video.

15.10.2020 - Dada Pogrom releases Autovore music video.

04.10.2020 - Dada Pogrom releases A Fable IX music video.

09.09.2020 - Dada Pogrom releases Intrepid music video.


08.05.2020 - Dada Pogrom releases Walk Away music video.

20.04.2020 - Dada Pogrom releases Ablation music video.

15.03.2020 - Dada Pogrom releases das Sammelgrab music video.

08.03.2020 - Dada Pogrom is now available at Bandcamp.
Not all is yet there, but everything everything shall be
over the next few months.
Dada Pogrom Bandcamp Link

08.03.2020 - Dada Pogrom releases new cassette.

The Synth Wreck of Vasa - 20200202 20200202 20200202

09.11.2019 - 30 Years of Dada Pogrom
09.11.1989 to 09.11.2019
Dada Pogrom 09.11.1989 to 09.11.2019

03.11.2019 - Beatkamp's Din Sync RE-303 now available for purchase.
An exacting replica of Roland's TB-303 made by us.
Housed in a custom black metal case, with black
knobs and buttons. Sonic Potions CPU
with MIDI.
Price: $1700 CDN each
Beatkamp Din Sync RE-303
Product ID: BKDS0303

14.10.2019 - Dada Pogrom written up in the the Reykjavík Grapevine.
30 years of Tech Noire as of November 8, 2019.

Words by Phil Uwe Widiger
Photos by Patrick Ontkovic

27.09.2019 - Dada Pogrom playing Loft, Reykjavík
This can't think just feel #9 event is hosted by MSEA
We are honoured to share the stage with:
Sólveig Matthildur

Bankastræti 7,
101 Reykjavík

14.09.2019 - Dada Pogrom playing Urban Spree, Berlin

Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin,

10.08.2019 - Dada Pogrom opening for Singapore Sling
at Gaukurinn in Reykjavík

28.07.2019 - Dada Pogrom playing at Rafurmagn III party at Rafael in Akureyri.

Saturday, July 27, 2019 from kl 21:00
Rafael, Kaupvangsstræti 23

29.06.2019 - Dada Pogrom video release during COVEN 25 party in Berlin

Kabinett.25, Wrangelstr 25,

12.06.2019 - The Synth Wreck of Vasa CD is SOLD OUT!


06.04.2019 - Dada Pogrom playing HEX åtåmåtån

Kabinett.25, Wrangelstr 25,

01.04.2019 - New Dada Pogrom album.

The Synth Wreck of Vasa

20.03.2019 - New Dada Pogrom track on FKK Compilation.

FKK Rekordfahrt Negativ Folge

19.03.2019 - Kolphonium vinyl SOLD OUT


01.03.2019 - Recycling a Tandberg Vision 10 into a
RGB+Sync PAL video monitor.

09.02.2019 - Dada Pogrom opening for Vomito Negro.
Reykjavík Goth Night at Gaukurinn
Tickets available at tix.is

24.10.2018 - Dada Pogrom playing House of Targ in Ottawa.

We are so happy to again be playing at Ottawa's finest club. See you this
Wednesday night on October 24.

05.10.2018 - Dada Pogrom playing Reykjavík Goth Night

Throbbing bass and gristling rhythm will accompany
a litany of the shaddow.

Tickets are 2000 ISK at the door, 1500 ISK at tix.is.

Facebook event:

15.09.2018 Dada Pogrom
in production.

24.07.2018 Dada Pogrom is now in studio producing a
new album.

Foto: Andrea Hauksdóttir

04.05.2018 dada wav trigger sample set

03.05.2018 building the dada telemicrophone

24.04.2018 midi a drumulator

30.03.2018 - Dada Pogrom playing Háskar festival in
Reykjavík at Iðnó

07.03.2018 - all t-shirts are sold out

13.01.2018 - Dada Pogrom opening for Hatari at the next
Reykjavík Goth Night at Gaukurinn
Saturday, January 13, 2018

13.12.2017 - Dada Pogrom playing Hlemmur Square in Reykjavík
Starting at 20:00, Laugavegur 105, 105 Reykjavík

16.11.2017 - Dada Pogrom playing Reykjavík Goth Night

Foto: Toni Sandoval

05.11.2017 - Dada Pogrom playing the Boston Iceland Airwaves afterparty in Reykjavík
this Sunday, November 5, 2017

Foto: Ella Moe

22.07.2017 - Dada Pogrom playing the Gaukurinn HMM:synth-invasion in Reykjavík
this Saturday, July 22, 2017

17.06.2017 - Dada Pogrom playing the House of Targ S.O.S.Fest in Ottawa
this Saturday, June 17, 2017

01.03.2017 - YouTube Page
After flushing the previous one years ago, Beatkamp again
has created a youtube channel.

28.01.2017 - Error 144 playing live.
Beljar Café, 2072 Dundas West
Toronto starting 21:00

25.12.2016 - Best Yuletide wishes and a Happy New Year
We are closed for the holidays
until 30.01.2017

18.12.2016 - All pk2pk videos are now streaming. See the music video
section to watch them all now.

15.12.2016 - Eight lost Lead Berry Research videos have been
found on an old drive bank. These come from the pk2pk
project of 1997. They will shortly be available
here for public viewing.

19.11.2016 - Error 144 playing at BBFs Grand Opening Party
Saturday, November 19, 2016 starting 16:00
47 Lakeshore Road East, Mississauga

05.10.2016 - Dada Pogrom playing at MYRKRAMAKT II
festival November 4-6, 2016

17.09.2016 - Dada Pogrom playing at Reykjavík Goth Night
Tríhorn party this Saturday, September 17, 2016

04.07.2016 - Error 144 and Dada Pogrom playing The Only Cafe in Toronto
this Saturday, August 20, 2016

23.06.2016 - Rational Youth, Error 144 and Dada Pogrom playing House of Targ in Ottawa
this Saturday, August 6, 2016

29.04.2016 - Dada Pogrom :: Kolophonium DVD release
this Tuesday, May 3, 2016

29.04.2016 - Dada Pogrom :: Kolophonium CD release
this Monday, May 2, 2016

28.04.2016 - Lead Berry Research :: pk2pk cassette release
this Sunday, May 1, 2016

27.04.2016 - Dada Pogrom :: Kolophonium cassette release
this Friday, April 29, 2016

18.04.2016 - Rational Youth, Mängelexemplar, Error 144, a s k a,
Dr. Kernkrach, Dada Pogrom playing the Lokað 2
synth festival in Reykjavík on
Saturday, May 28, 2016

11.03.2016 - Dada Pogrom playing House of Targ in Ottawa
this Friday, March 11, 2016
See you there.

28.02.2016 - Bad Wolf TV is back.
After many complaints of slow video speeds we have
put our broadcast server, Bad Wolf TV, back
online. Our videos now stream to you
worldwide unhindered.

29.01.2016 - The Jean of Peterhead video released.

Dada Pogrom has pushed the entire tech noire genre up onto
a level not reached before in electronic music. The Jean
of Peterhead is the first tech noire sea shanty, we also
believe it to be the first all round electronic sea
shanty, the first recounting of the wreck of the Jean
of Peterhead in 1826 and the first shanty concerning
the Scottish fleets produced since 1971.

This is the last video from the Kolophonium album so it is
a great honour to present it exclusively here on our
website. The Kolophonium project will find release in
both DVD and VHS before long.

Beatkamp is very proud of the entire Kolophonium project
and we are so grateful to the numerous talented individuals
who took part in its creation.

Enjoy the Jean of Peterhead and remember that you first
encountered this new form of music here, on our server,
in the farthest reaches of the internet.

11.01.2016 - Magnificat video released.

12.11.2015 - Dada Pogrom will be performing at Minimal Synth Night
in Wommelgem, Belgium this Saturday.

15.10.2015 - Amsterdam of the Universe video released.

28.09.2015 - We photographed the Blood Moon lunar eclipse. Conditions were hazy.
Here is the result:

30.07.2015 - Kunststoff video released.

23.07.2015 - Psycho Girl video released.

15.07.2015 - Phenoplast video released.

30.05.2015 - Die Deutschen Litauens video released.

30.05.2015 - Kolophonium video released.

29.05.2015 - Memelland music video released.

27.05.2015 - Another Dada Pogrom music video is today released. New Galactic Code starring the choreographer Ann Trépanier.

17.05.2015 - A new Dada Pogrom record is today released. The album's name is Kolophonium.

15.05.2015 - Reykjavík Goth Night will feature Dada Pogrom on June 6, 2015.

02.04.2015 - Error 144, Dada Pogrom and Kernkrach are all performing at Lucky Records in Reykjavík tomorrow at 17:00.

01.04.2015 - Lucky Records of Reykjavík is now carrying Beatkamp and Kernkrach releases.

23.06.2014 - Two new Dada Pogrom videos for FKK project hereby released.

02.05.2014 - We are featured in JDK Audio's "The Front Line"
Follow the link here: The Front Line: Beatkamp

13.11.2013 - Michael "Spike" Barlow
Sad news that Spike recently passed away. He was a friend and the
sound engineer on Tech Noire. We will always hold dear the
image of this man sitting amongst stacks of modular
and analogue synths wolfing down cashew curry
and pondering the madness that was
Wellesley Street.

05.10.2013 - Lokað Festival
101 Reykjavík, Ísland

17.06.2012 - Choreographer Ann Trépanier
Ann Trépanier is joining us to choreograph the next
set of music videos for the up coming
Dada Pogrom album.
Choreographer Ann Trepanier

10.11.2010 Mason's Lodge, Berlin
Dada Pogrom is playing the Mason's
Lodge in Kreutzberg, Berlin
21:00, music starts 22:00

06.11.2010 Kernkrach Festival
Dada Pogrom is playing the Kernkrach Festival in
Fulda, Germany. At the Café Panama,
18:00, Langenbrückenstr.14

02.08.2010 - Sauzeug's Zork 4 video released.

28.02.2010 - Sauzeug's Zork 3 video released.

11.09.2009 - Error 144: Shot a Man video released.

07.03.2009 - Sauzeug's Zork 1 video released.

11.11.2008 - Happy Happy Happy video released.

21.06.2008 - I am the Army video released.

09.11.2007 Documentary Project
We have begin filming in Thüringen for our
feature length documentary
The work will take

21.07.2007 - Crucial Getdown
Dada Pogrom playing with Paul Kalkbrenner at the
Crucial Getdown in Toronto
$10 at the door

17.06.2006 - Burning Down Berlin
Dada Pogrom says its time to burn down Berlin with
Randy Twigg and Barbi Syntonics at
The Hootch, 817 Queen St. E.,
Toronto, $5 at the door

16.05.2006 - TN1 Film Festival
The TN1 Film Festival in will be held at our Unit 111 studio this May 16.
Various Tech Noire short films and music videos will be presented
and this will be followed by a performance from Dada Pogrom.
Unit 111, 388 Carlaw, Toronto

28.04.2006 - Crowbar with Triple-X Productions
Dada Pogrom plays Canadian Premiere at the
Crowbar. 577 King St. W., T.O,
$10 at the door

28.02.2006 - Superated Shows in Paris
Dada Pogrom is playing in Paris as part of the Superated presentation
for Paris Fashion Week. Superated is a driving young fashion label
from Vienna. Dada Pogrom will be performing for the main show
on February 28, 2006 followed by 5 days of additional
performances in Paris.

As part of the festivities, a special Dada Pogrom able titled Superated
has been produced and will be available only in Paris for the
duration of fashion week.

01.11.2005 - Dada Pogrom's Mare Nectaris video is released.

31.10.2005 - Dada Pogrom's War is a Pogrom video is released.

31.07.2005 - Thor54 Remixing Deja Voodoo
We are pleased to announce Thorhallur Skulason's (Thor54) remix of Deja Voodoo.
His credits include releases with Harthouse out of Germany, Thule Records and
Missile Records UK, remix projects with Trabant, Sigur Ros and Biogen.

20.02.2005 - Dada Pogrom do not Live in the USA
Dada Pogrom is playing on February 26, 2005 in Buckhannon, West Virginia.
We are playing as part of the Local de Locale film festival
at the Lascaux Theater. Dada Pogrom is also premiering
two new music videos, Deja Voodoo and Eternity.

19.02.2005 - Eternity video is released.
Eternity was finished at Eyes Post Group in Toronto.
Shot on 16mm film in Iceland.

18.02.2005 - Varga One is Ready
We have completed the short film Varga One. It is ready for its premiere at
the Local de Locale film festival in Buckhannon, West Virginia the 26th
of this month. After the premiere, the film will be available
online for viewing on the Dada Pogrom website.

12.12.2004 - Deja Voodoo Video Shoot
Dada Pogrom is shooting a new music video in Iceland and in Germany.
The next shoots are to begin at Premnitz, near Berlin. Premnitz
is a gigantic, mostly abandoned chemical factory that has
fallen out of use since the unification of former DDR.
This video will feature the amazing dance
moves of Ranlub.

23.11.2004 - Phil Western Remixed Dada Pogrom
Phil Western chose Moratorium from Rats Live On nO eviL staR to remix
and we are very pleased. Phil's impressive list of credits
include Download, Skinny Puppy and Philth.

12.07.2004 - Anthony Valcic to Produce Dada Pogrom
Anthony Fu Valcic will be producing the next Dada Pogrom project starting
August 16, 2004 in Vancouver. Preproduction will be done with at
Fudio. Production will happen at Brian Adam's amazing
recording studio, The Warehouse.

12.06.2004 - Production begins on a New Album
Dada Pogrom has yesterday begun recording its next major release,
Rats Live On No Evil Star.

26.05.2004 - Givenchy using Dada Pogrom
Givenchy is using the music and live video skill of Dada Pogrom for
its launch of the new men’s fragrance “Blue Label”.
Imagery for this project was produced by RanLub, Dada Pogrom’s live video engineer.
Dada Pogrom is pleased and honoured to be a part of what is to be
the largest fragrance release in the world of 2004.

24.05.2004 - Dada Pogrom is pleased to announce Apocalypso.
This project is the culmination of months of work at Thule Studios
and is collected tracks developed during many live
performances of the past year.

21.02.2004 - Dada Pogrom live in Reykjavík with VJ Ranlub
Laugavegur 28, 21:00-3:00.
Dada Pogrom presents War is Art as part of the
Reykjavík Winter Festival.
Sponsor: Amsdel Beer

12.12.2003 - Kapital party features Dada Pogrom
Live tech noire at Kapital with Dada Pogrom
and addition of VJ Ranlub first time.
Kapital, 101 Reykjavík, 500kr
20:00 to 05:00

01.12.2003 - Dada Pogrom recording at Thule Studios
Dada Pogrom has begun recording at Thule Studios for its next
album with award winning engineer, Aron Arnarsson.
We are recording on Ampex 2” tape
live off the floor.

07.11.2003 - Dada Pogrom opening for Rich Thair
Dada Pogrom is performing live with Rich Thair (Red Snapper).
kl22:00pm, tech noire all night long.
Vidalin, 101 Reykjavík

01.11.2003 - Dada Pogrom playing Reykjavík Haunted House party.
dada pogrom haunted house party 01.11.2003
dada pogrom haunted house party 01.11.2003
dada pogrom haunted house party 01.11.2003

31.10.2003 - Dada Pogrom interview on Radio X
Iceland's #1 Radio Show

27.09.2003 - Dada Pogrom live with Halla Grímsdóttir
A joint performance of a very strange cover of
Kraftwerk’s Das Model
in Icelandic.
Laugavegur 28, kl22:00, 101 Reykjavík

07.08.2003 - Dada Pogrom: Written up in Hufvudstadsbladet,
Finland's oldest newspaper.


07.08.2003 - Show at Mocambo, Helsinki: Featuring Dada Pogrom
Mocambo, Helsinki, 21:00.

01.08.2003 - Front Page on DV
K of Dada Pogrom is front page news on Iceland’s largest selling
newspaper, Dagbladid Visir(DV), this Monday, September 1.
The article centers on hundreds of cd and vinyl copies
of Tech Noire that were seized by
Icelandic customs officials.
DV Pogrom Front Page
DV Dada Article

26.07.2003 Dada Pogrom: Live at Kaffi List this Saturday with MTV UK.
Complimentary champagne wil be served at 2:00am.
Kaffi List, Reykjavík, 22:00.

19.07.2003 - Dada Pogrom will be performing live music and video
with techno D.J. Mike Scott from the Netherlands.
Vídalín, Aðalstræti 10, Reykjavík, 22:00.

21.06.2003 - Dada Pogrom playing solstice Overkill of Art Festival.
Live music, live video.
Prikið, Bankastræti 12, Reykjavík, 22:00.
dada pogrom overkill of art festival 21.06.2003

07.02.2003 - Première: A Ghost of St.John's. Laugavegur 53, Reykjavík, 23:00.

11.12.2002 - Dada Pogrom's Stríð video is released.

01.12.2002 - Dada Pogrom's Kraftaverk video is released.

22.11.2002 - Dada Pogrom playing music specially written for one show.
Dada Pogrom is introducing for the first time, a live experimental
video show for psychoacoustic effect.
Skaparinn, Reykjavík, 22:00.

11.10.2002 - Première: The Path Well Trod by Phileas Fogg
Lundabío, Laugavegur 28, Reykjavík at 22:00.

01.07.2002 - Kenneth Cole using Dada Pogrom's track Strid for the launch of
its men’s fragrance “Reaction”.

04.06.2002 - Première: Dada Pogrom's Stjarna video at Opið Bió 4
in Reykjavík.

24.05.2002 - Dada Pogrom new album: Tech Noire

21.08.2001 - Video Shoot in Greenland
On the east coast of Greenland film we for
the new Dada Pogrom project.

19.09.1999 - Two new Digital Videos from Lead Berry Research!
Lead Berry Research Decoy Berzerker Music Video.
Lead Berry Research K1 Music Video.

26.09.1998 - Lead Berry Research new album: Cultus Viagrus

14.05.1998 - K Suffers Hearing Damage at Starfish Room, Vancouver
Kenny Balys sustained serious hearing damage during the
Gary Numan show in the Starfish Room in Vancouver.
Special note to the sound technicians for the
Starfish Room; you are incompetent dolts.
We hope your venue gets shut down.
Thank you Gary for a great show,
this was not your fault.

11.02.1998 - Our dedicated server is online.
Hello, world.

01.06.1997 - Lead Berry Research new album: pk2pk

.+. sore interogate little jovian .+.
sunday, february 16, 2025 08:19:56 utc
©2025 beatkamp incorporated