vt101 calculator

dada pogrom - the black light spectrum

A synthetic exploration of Tech Noire.

Available on vinyl (HERTZ069), cassette and as a
digital download.

dada pogrom the the black light spectrum

dada pogrom the the black light spectrum

track list
01) zum schutz
02) forsaken
03) i feel nothing
04) further and away
05) gotha
06) hiraeth
07) the decline
08) killing had begun
09) taste the whip
10) its time
11) fortress falling
12) plus plus
13) into the dark
14) oboe bassoon and flute
15) severn
*Digital download features two bonus tracks.
16) mäuschen
17) robot raider

synthesizer equipment list
Roland Jupiter 4
Roland Jupiter 6
Roland TB 303 Devilfish
Roland SH 101
Roland SH 09
Roland CSQ 100
Roland TR 808
Roland TR 606
Boss DR 55
EEH Banana
Oberheim OB-X8
Studio Electronics ATC-1
Moog Voyager
Black Corporation Kijimi
Crumar Multiman S
Access Virus TI2
THC Syncussion
DinSync RE 303
DinSync RE 909
Emu Emax
Emu Drumulator
Akai S700
Akai MPC2000XL
Simmons SDSV
Simmons Claptrap
Waldorf M
Doepfer A100
Hohner String Performer

outboard equipment list
Dynacord VRS23
Dynacord PDD15
Moogerfooger Phaser
Compact Phasing X
Chase Bliss CXM1978
Boss Dimension C
Boss Space Echo
Boss DSD 2
Echolette Echo 400
Eventide H9
Beatkamp Delay 01
Beatkamp Delay 02
Minifooger Delay
Minifooger Ring Modulator
Telefunken Echomixer
SPL Vitalyzer
Manley Voxbox
Manley Tube DI
Revox A77 IV
Radial Pro D8
Waves MaxxBCL
Adam A7
Yamaha MSP5
Lavry AD DA Micpre Clock
Uher Report 4000
Beatkamp Microphone 01
Neumann TLM49
RMG SM911 tape stock

produced by kenneth walter kaldalóns balys
mixed at eyjarslóð 9, reykjavík
mastered by special circumstances
released 2024
format: vinyl, cassette and digital download
product identification vinyl: HERTZ069
product identification cassette: BKFA240001

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