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music video :: dada pogrom :: kraftaverk

dada pogrom - kraftaverk

Kraftaverk is Icelandic for "miracle".

Directed by: Kelvin Mason

Cinematography: Kelvin Mason

Producer: Tod Schertzer

Super-8 Camera Operator: Tod Schertzer

Editing and Post: Kenneth Balys

Location: Toronto

Format: Digital Video & Kodak Super-8

Film Processing: Kodak, USA

Telecine: Frame Discrete, Toronto

Recorded at: Leda Chamber, Lead Berry Research

Audio Engineering: Spike

Mastering: Noah Mintz, Lacquer Channel

From Album: Tech Noire

Artist: Dada Pogrom

Fair Use Agreement:
You may download this video for
private viewing only. Reproduction,
distribution, etc. of any part or
whole is prohibited. In downloading
you are agreeing to these terms.
©2002, 2005 Beatkamp Inc.

.+. bright stars wonderfully die anti-electron .+.
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