vt101 calculator

music video :: dada pogrom :: glasgow synthesizer

glasgow synthesizer

She was an endian, endian sailhoar.

Starring: Ann Trépanier

Choreography and Dance: Ann Trépanier

Cinematography and Direction: Kenneth Balys

Cinematographer and Camera Operator: Liz Brand

Style and Artistic Director: Erin Heather

Written and Produced: Kenneth Balys

1st A.D. and Slate: Liz Brand

Audio Production: Kenneth Balys, Beatkamp Inc.

Grip: Kelvin Mason

Location: Beatkamp Cabbagetown, Toronto

Format: DI HD1080p

Film Stock: Fuji Eterna Super-16

Colourist: Lianna Hillerup

Film Processing: Niagara Custom Lab, Toronto

Cameras: Bolex Super-H16, Bolex Super-EBM 16mm

Telecine: Frame Discreet, Toronto

Music Performance: Kenneth Balys

Video Post: Beatkamp Inc.

Mastering: Beatkamp, Special Circumstances

From Album: F.K.K.-Musik, Dada Pogrom, Kernkrach

Artist: Dada Pogrom

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©2014 Beatkamp Inc.

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thursday, december 5, 2024 21:48:15 utc
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