vt101 calculator

music video :: sauzeug :: zork 4

zork 4

this video over views the making of zork 3
a video about making a video?
never bored

Cinematography and Direction: Kenneth Balys

Starring: Ken Balys and Nicole Kraschina

Style and Makeup: Neal Schmidt

Camera Operator: Neal Schmidt

Audio Production: Kenneth Balys, Beatkamp Inc.

Format: HD1080p from Super-16

Film Stock: Kodak Vision3

Film Processing: Technicolor

Colourist: Arlene Moelker, Creative Post

Post Advisor: Jim Hardy, Creative Post

Video Post: Beatkamp Inc.

Mastering: Noah Mintz, Lacquer Channel

Lacquer Dub Plate and Vinyl Press: Archer Record Pressing, Detroit

From Album: Sauzeug 2, BKEP201001

Artist: Sauzeug

Fair Use Agreement:
You may download this video for
private viewing only. Reproduction,
distribution, etc. of any part or
whole is prohibited. In downloading
you are agreeing to these terms.
©2010 Beatkamp Inc.

.+. go forth and delicately buzz nova .+.
saturday, july 27, 2024 09:42:07 utc
©2024 beatkamp incorporated