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dada pogrom - skaparinn tone art

Skaparinn is Iceland's premier boutique fashion label.

They are a generous organization that sponsored and continues to sponsor critical cultural events in Reykjavík to the point that few artists there have not benefitted in some way. Dada Pogrom is grateful to have had a healthy share of this generousity.

This album is composed of recordings of Dada Pogrom live at various Skaparinn events including one attended by MTV London.
skaparinn tone art
recorded live at skaparinn, reykjavík, iceland
mastered by special circumstances
written and performed by kenneth walter balys
live engineering birgir jón "biggi" birgisson, aron arnarsson
released 2002
format: compact disk
product identification: BKFA200203W

©2002, 2005 Beatkamp Inc., All Rights Reserved.
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