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music video :: dada pogrom :: walk away

Walk Away

walk away
walk away

the time is past
the moon is gone
got my hands in my pockets
winds of the fairest times

you said walk
so i walk away
to the trinity of wild ones
and the beginning of a new day

(synth solo)
walk away
walk away
walk away

enter to the night
the hounds of the veil
the chastity of horror
hunt on a murkened trail

heiress of the altar
all the lights that burn
on the lands of all her time
and we shall never return

walk away
walk away
walk away

walk away
walk away


the time is past
the moon is gone
got my hands in my pockets
winds of the fairest times

you said walk
so i walk away
to the trinity of wild ones
and the beginning of a new day

walk away
walk away
walk away
walk away

Written and Produced: Kenneth Balys

Location: Iceland

Format: DI HD1080p

Cameras: Ikonoskop Dii

Post Production: Beatkamp, Special Circumstances

From Album: The Synth Wreck of Vasa, Dada Pogrom

Artist: Dada Pogrom

The Synth Wreck of Vasa

Fair Use Agreement:
You may download this video for
private viewing only. Reproduction,
distribution, etc. of any part or
whole is prohibited. In downloading
you are agreeing to these terms.
©2020 Beatkamp Inc.

.+. groups report of neptune .+.
tuesday, january 21, 2025 22:39:51 utc
©2025 beatkamp incorporated